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Root Cause Healing Waitlist

Join my waitlist to become a client! I would be honored to work with you as a health practitioner and help you get your health back.

*This does not confirm your spot but simply allows me to contact you first when I open my practice. You can always change your mind after filling out the form.

Work with Me

Book a session with me as your practitioner to get to the root cause of your health issues, find balance in your life, and heal for good. Working with me can look different for everyone, but there is structure to it! This can include symptom analysis, testing, protocols and lifestyle adjustments. What a session with me looks like is TBD. Coming soon.

Become an OTP Consultant

Join my Olive Tree People team of incredible women to help get waterless beauty into more hands! The Honest Grove community is absolutely incredible, the resources to get you set up are the best I've ever seen from a team, and I will be with you every step of the way to help you share these products with your own audience! Comes with 25% off the website.

Root Cause Healing Waitlist

Join my waitlist to become a client! I would be honored to work with you as a health practitioner and help you get your health back.

*This does not confirm your spot but simply allows me to contact you first when I open my practice. You can always change your mind after filling out the form.

Work with Me

Book a session with me as your practitioner to get to the root cause of your health issues, find balance in your life, and heal for good. Working with me can look different for everyone, but there is structure to it! This can include symptom analysis, testing, protocols and lifestyle adjustments. What a session with me looks like is TBD. Coming soon.

Become an OTP Consultant

Join my Olive Tree People team of incredible women to help get waterless beauty into more hands! The Honest Grove community is absolutely incredible, the resources to get you set up are the best I've ever seen from a team, and I will be with you every step of the way to help you share these products with your own audience! Comes with 25% off the website.

Kellie Manchester, Integrative Health Practitioner


I am an Integrative Health Practitioner (IHP2) and Applied Quantum Biology Practitioner and specialist who uses root cause approaches to help clients get to the underlying issue of their health problems. I don't believe in masking symptoms, unless using a temporary bandaid approach to help ease symptoms while working on the root cause. I believe the body is fully capable of healing in most cases, and I like to believe the best for my clients if they're willing to put in the work! It does take consistency and motivation to push through the tough times, and I don't work with clients who are looking for an easy way out. At, you'll often find me discussing topics a lot of functional doctors and health coaches don't talk about, such as quantum healing and order of operations when it comes to root causes. I take healing very seriously and assess each client individually!


Our sessions together will be more casual, real, authentic, and laid-back, rather than nerve-wracking. I strive to foster an environment where we both feel as comfortable as possible and where we can talk easily to one another. I will also have session options where we don't meet regularly on the phone but where you get online access to my support 24/7 throughout the month. I will be setting up my practice in a way that supports my nervous system and the healing process for the client as well, and it may look unique while still being functional and professional — more info on working with me coming soon!

I post free content on social media, and I currently have a waitlist for clients (also linked at the bottom of this page)! I have also partnered with several holistic and wellness brands to be able to offer you the best products out that that are safe and effective (found on my "Links" page).

With my clients and audience, I strive to create genuine and balanced relationships and connect on a deeper level — good communication and empathy are KEY to being able to help you on your own journey.

The first step in working together is to introduce ourselves and make sure we're a good fit — in discipline, motivation, and compassion. I would love to hear about you and what you're looking for. What a session with me looks like is TBD.

01 – INTRO

I love to hear your goals for what you want to accomplish in working with me and what your long-term goals are for healing the body. Then we can set a timeline for what that looks like.

02 – GOALS

What I specialize in is looking at symptoms and helping re-balance the body where things are out of range. Making an extensive list of symptoms and your health history is an important piece of that.


Once I have an idea of your goals and symptoms you want to work on, we can use testing where needed. However, I only use specific testing where I feel is necessary and within your budget. This may include blood work, bioresonance scans, toxicity testing, etc.


After reviewing any testing you complete, I can create a protocol for you that may include lifestyle changes, supplements, nervous system exercises, etc. — usually on a month-by-month basis. Foundations always come first.


Either before or after our first session together, we can create a timeline for how long you would like to work with me — all based on your needs and motivation.




  • Foundational lifestyle habits

    • Sleep

    • Nutrition

    • Exercise

  • Quantum health habits

    • Sunlight

    • Mitochondrial health

    • Red light therapy

    • Cold therapy

  • Gut health and leaky gut

  • Skin issues and inflammation

  • Weight gain/loss and diabetes

  • Hormones and PCOS​

  • Blood sugar imbalance

  • Detox and drainage

  • Toxicity and pathogens

    • Mold

    • Heavy metals

    • Parasites

    • Lyme + co-infections

    • Viruses and infections

    • Environmental toxins

  • The nervous system​​

    • Healing from trauma

    • Anxiety

    • Depression

    • Cell Danger Response​ (CDR)

    • Somatic healing and emotional regulation

  • MCAS and histamine issues

  • Autoimmune conditions​

  • Pregnancy and birth control support

  • Chronic illness/symptoms or basic health maintenance


DISCLAIMER: Specific needs are based off of the individual. If you are in need of a consultation for a very specific issue that I cannot help you with, I may refer out in addition to our sessions together. I am connected to many health practitioners and have resources you can check out as well. For example, I am not a licensed therapist and cannot conduct sessions for EMDR or talk therapy, so you may need to seek elsewhere for that type of help in addition to working with me, especially if it's impacting your ability to fully heal.


  • Functional blood work

    • Hormones

    • Thyroid panel

    • Complete Blood Count with differential (CBC)

    • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)

    • Lipid panel

    • Iron markers

    • HbA1c, insulin, and blood sugar markers

    • Various metals, minerals, electrolytes, and enzymes

  • Functional lab work

    • HTMA

    • GI-Map

    • OAT testing

    • Mold toxicity testing

    • Food sensitivity testing

    • Stool testing

  • Bioresonance scans

    • Measures bioenergetic stress on the body, system performance, nutritional and hormone imbalances, resonating toxins, food and environmental sensitivities, and emotional imbalances​


DISCLAIMER: Specific needs are based off of the individual, and I do not run all blood work markers and labs for every person — I like to focus on foundations first. If you are in need of testing for a very specific issue that I cannot help you with, I may refer out in addition to working with me. I am connected to many health practitioners and have resources you can check out as well, especially if it's impacting your ability to fully heal.

I do not currently muscle test or conduct MBSR sessions. However, I can refer out for that if needed and when appropriate for the client.

Additional testing TBD.

Plant Photography

What's to Come

The future of is bright, and I will forever be evolving in this space. As I get further along in my practice and start taking more clients, I will be creating more in-depth protocol packages and guides that you can purchase on my website, as well as potentially starting a newsletter that you can sign up for here. I want to offer whatever serves YOU best, and I hope to accomplish that well. The biggest addition to my practice: is soon to become its own LLC! I'll be sharing more details around that on social media when I open my practice to the public.


I cannot wait to continue working with my clients and hold space for you as you heal and grow!

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