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A Legal Disclaimer

At, I value your privacy.


This privacy policy applies to all personal information given and received. I define personal information as anything that would personally identify you: your name, your phone number, your email, your physical/mailing address, your preferences, and other information and contact information that is not available to the public. is NOT yet an established company with an LLC business license in my area (but will be very soon!). This policy applies to (solely social media for now) and no other companies, entities, or websites. I cannot and will not get paid through my business until I have an established business license. Therefore, all links to book an appointment with me are disabled until further notice.


I gather personal information about you (name and email address) when you sign up for my an appointment. Your browser may give me your IP address and cookie information. I never rent or sell your private information. You will not receive spam from me and your information is 100% safe and secure.


I will not contact children for personal information, sales promotions, or marketing purposes. I will not contact children to book an appointment without a parent signature.


I don’t rent, sell, give or share any of your personal information unless it’s to provide a service or product you request, or is regulated by confidential requirements. I value my relationship with you and your privacy. Your information is never made available without your explicit consent.


You are always free to terminate your relationship with


Views expressed on this website are my own. Opinions and information presented on this site are not intended to replace the advice of your primary health care provider. I do not provide medical advice or intend to treat or cure disease. I do not sell or prescribe medications.


All graphics and images are either property of, are property of brands I have partnered with, or have been freely downloaded from sites that allow for creative use of their photos. I do not sell photos. I always try to give credit where credit is due.


I provide a privacy policy to allow confidence between our conversations of protection of your personal information.


Occasionally, this policy may be modified and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


Thank you.

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