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Kellie Manchester, Integrative Health Practitioner

Kellie Manchester

IHP2 & Quantum Specialist

The Founder of

xo Kellie

Kellie Manchester

Integrative Health Practitioner & Quantum Specialist

The Founder of

Kellie Manchester, Integrative Health Practitioner

xo Kellie

Palm Tree Photography

A Glimpse of My Story & Into My Health Journey

In 2016, I experienced my first real battle with mental health. In 2018, I had my first panic attack. Later that year, I started experiencing chronic symptoms that just got worse over time. In 2020, I hit rock bottom — or so I thought. I was diagnosed with general anxiety and depressive disorders, PCOS, and hormone imbalance. I was experiencing pain in my joints, weight gain, OCD symptoms, tremors and numbness, cramps, RLS, severe acne, gut issues and leaky gut, fatigue, memory issues, nausea and vomiting, digestive issues, and stomach pain, and I was also living in a constant state of fight-or-flight. The only options given to me were pills and telling me to simply "exercise more." I could not imagine living life one more day, especially like this.


I spent years chasing answers and solutions to my debilitating symptoms, ending up in hospitals and on an endless journey of stress and overwhelm. In 2021, I really hit rock bottom and my nervous system completely crashed. I was finally diagnosed with mold toxicity, Lyme co-infections, parasitic infection, nutrient deficiencies, trauma-related PTSD and anxiety, blue light toxicity, and other infections and root cause issues. Since then, I have been on a journey to restore my health completely and be able to live my life normally again. It's a process that has not been easy, but I'm moving forward with a much healthier mindset now, despite how far I still have to go.


In 2022, I decided to begin my journey to becoming an integrative health practitioner. I knew that if I found anything that even slightly worked for me, I had to help others on a similar journey — I couldn't keep the information I learned just for myself. So I went back to school and took three years to receive four health certifications. I now hold the title of IHP2 and Quantum Specialist as well as being educated in functional blood chemistry. While I'm not 100% healed and still battle anxiety and various symptoms, the list of things I HAVE healed is long, and I can’t wait to share it with you! I understand what it's like to feel stuck in a loop with no way out — but I promise there is always hope.

Let's Connect

I'm always excited to connect with people, whether in person or online. You can message me here on my "Contact" page, email me, or connect with me through social media! I'm on Instagram often, where I share health and wellness tips, home and personal care products I love, discounts and sales from my favorite brands, a glimpse of my story, and life updates. You'll never catch me being fake or ingenuine on social media — I'm all for being REAL, honest, and authentic with a bit of humor to lighten things up.

You can also join THE HONEST GROVE community on my Instagram, a group chat with updates from me on wellness tips, discounts and sales, and ways to work with me. The Honest Grove is also my Olive Tree People team name and a space where I help women share clean and effective skincare products with their audience, as well as where I give product restock updates.

Me in a Nutshell

I am located in Santa Cruz, CA and am excited to base my virtual practice here soon. I have always been passionate about health, but now I get to help others achieve their goals and fully thrive.

Outside of being a health practitioner, I love music, playing the piano, taking walks, going to the beach, baking, reading books, watching my favorite tv shows, visiting coffee shops, and spending time with friends and family. Cliche, I know.


Fish tacos + Thai curry + sweet potato bake + coffee + anything chocolate


Australia + Thailand + Indonesia + Vietnam + Denmark + Norway + Hawaii


Friends + The Office + The Middle + Gilmore Girls + Father of the Bride + The Parent Trap + The Proposal + La La Land + Harry Potter + Star Wars


Deep relationships + communication + honesty + laughter + adventure

The Meaning Behind the Brand was originally built upon educating people about the beauty industry. Over the years, it has evolved exponentially and is now the name of my integrative health practice. is built upon the idea of being honest with yourself about where you are and what you need surrounding your lifestyle — not a trend. You cannot heal without acceptance. The values of the brand lay the foundation for how I approach healing with my clients: honesty, balance, compassion, finding peace, and staying grounded. Health is not black or white, and values the idea of meeting clients where they're at instead of giving blanket protocols and bandaid approaches. Every individual is unique, and every body is different in what it needs to thrive.


I am extremely proud of what encompasses and the value it brings to my community — I hope you'll be a part of it too!

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